Thursday, August 6, 2015

Learning Activities for Toddlers - Jell-O play dough

My little Sebastian (28 months now) loves play dough. We made some last month and we spend hours playing with it. I bought him some plastic cookie cutters to cut the play dough into shapes. Sometimes, he will ask me to make animals with the play dough too. It is really good for him as I can see his hands and fingers are becoming stronger and more agile.
Then I thought it will be a good idea to make some Jell-O play dough where he can learn about colours and smells.  It is so easy to make and I took less than 30 minutes to make 3 colours; Blue heaven, Strawberry and Lime. They smell so good.


Mix all the ingredients listed on the 'Ingredients' to a mixing bowl.  

Mixed all the ingredients and pour the mixture into a saucepan. Cook the mixture on medium heat and stir it constantly. 

The mixture will gradually turn into a dough. When it is ready, it will look like the last picture shown in the following diagram.

Let it cool down in the saucepan for a while and start to work on the second batch (If you are making more than one colour) When the dough is cool, transfer it to a floured surface and knead it until the dough is not sticky. Add more flour as needed.  (You can add extra food colouring or even glitters to make it more interesting). Then pack it into a container. 

Sebastian was trying to match the Aeroplane Jelly box with the correct container. He was saying "Green-Same", "Red-Same" and "Blue-Same". It was so cute! Then I opened the container to let him smell the aromas. He loved it!


The Jell-O play dough is so much fun, I even made this into a small present for my friend's baby boy birthday. I hope he will love the play dough  as much as Sebastian loves his. 

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