Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Family Handprints with Saltdough

Family handprints - From far left is grandma, Sebastian, Daddy and Mummy
Last Tuesday night, I had this crazy idea to make a family handprint plaque from salt dough.  This is my second attempt in using salt dough (my previous project -alphabets with salt dough ), the recipe I used this time is slightly different from the previous one. The last recipe was using 1 cup of flour with 1 cup of salt and this recipe is using 2 cups of flour with 1 cup of salt .I try this recipe because I was hoping that the salt dough will look less grainy. The handprint plaque turns out less grainy but I think it still can be better.( I probably should have grind the salt to make it finer) But, I felt that this recipe takes longer to dry.

1 cup salt
2 cups flour
1cup water

Mix all ingredients in a mixer until a smooth dough forms. Make holes in the plaque, or add hooks.(depending on your preference) To dry the dough, bake in oven at 250F (approx. 120C)  for at least 3 hours. Then flip over and bake an additional 45-60 minutes, or until it is hard.

Can't wait to put some colours to it this weekend with Sebastian. We are going to have so much fun with the edible paints.

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