Sunday, July 5, 2015

DIY Vanilla flavored coffee pasta

I have to confess that I am a coffee addict. Coffee is my sunshine and without a cup of coffee to start my day, the world somehow seemed a little gloomy. My love for coffee has inspired me to make this vanilla flavoured coffee pasta. It is so easy to make and you can make a big batch and store it in the freezer. Just swirled it into single-portion nest and freeze it separately using a container. It can last at least a month. When you want to cook your frozen pasta, it can go straight from the freezer into the boiling water.

Let's get cooking!

Cooking Time:
About 1 hour (inclusive 30 minutes resting time) 

-1 cup of coffee (I am using LOR Espresso with a Hint of Vanilla
- 2 cups of plain flour
- extra flour for kneading
-1 egg


Making the perfect dough
-Mix all the ingredients in your food processor and whizz the mixture until it looks like one big, smooth lump of dough. (Add more flour if required to achieve the look shown in the following diagrams.) 
-Dust your work surface with some flour and tip the mixture on to your work surface. You need to knead and work it with your hands to develop the gluten in the flour, otherwise your pasta will be flabby and soft when you cook it, instead of springy and al dente.
-Then all you need to do is wrap it in a cling film and put it in the fridge to rest for at least half an hour before you use it.

Rolling the perfect pasta
-Remove the dough from the fridge and pinch a lump from the dough (the size of a large lemon) and press it out flat with your fingertips.
-Push it through the pasta maker's roller  and repeat this process for about five to six times while gradually adjusting the pasta machine's thickness to the level you desire ) 
-Once you are happy with the pasta dough consistency, switch the setting on your pasta machine from the pasta roller to the pasta cutter. 
-Slide the pasta sheet through the cutter.  
-Dust some flour lightly on your freshly made pasta. Pack and freeze it in the freezer.
(Repeat these steps with the rest of the dough)

Buon appetito!


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