Friday, July 10, 2015

DIY Natural Chocolate Mint toothpaste

Yes and Amen! All natural chocolate mint toothpaste.
You can now make chocolate mint toothpaste with the ingredients you can easily find in your pantry. It is all natural and good for your teeth and gum. For all the chocolate lovers out there , you can now wake up and sleep with this beautiful fresh peppermint and chocolate aroma in your mouth. It is so refreshing, calming and good for your teeth.
I decided to make my own toothpaste not because it is a chocolate mint toothpaste but I was shocked by the articles about the commercial toothpaste.  (Toxic Toothpaste , 6 Ingredients to avoid, fluoride in toothpaste) I am not a chemist or a researcher so I can't conclude whether these commercial toothpastes are harmful. But if I have a choice why not make my own toothpaste where it contains only nature’s goodness and is free from additives and nasty chemicals.

The ingredients:
Coconut oil
Coconut oil contains 50% Lauric Acid. It is very well known for its antimicrobial actions; it inhibits Strep mutans that are the primary bacteria that cause tooth decay. With that in mind, it should be no surprise that recent studies have shown the benefit of coconut oil in the prevention of tooth decay and plaque.
Cocao powder
Fluoride is a toxic industrial waste product that is a poison to your body even in trace amounts and it is used widely as the main active ingredient in toothpaste due to its ability to fight cavities. A recent study presented at the American Dental Association (ADA) 2013 Annual Session pitted fluoride toothpaste against a new toothpaste that contains the naturally-occurring cacao extract theobromine. According to this article, Sadeghpour and Carey found that theobromine protected teeth from decay better than fluoride. Sadeghpour maintains that theobromine offers consumers a safe, effective alternative to fluoride. He concluded, “If there is better way to do something that is nontoxic and more effective, why wouldn’t you choose that alternative.”
Polyphenols! Yes, these unique plant nutrients play a role in the prevention of cavities because of their ability to fight bacteria.  Cocoa polyphenols reduce the formation of acid from Streptococcus and S. sanguinis bacteria – the bad boy bacteria that produce caustic acid that poke holes in your teeth. Now to be clear, we’re talking cocoa powder NOT a sugary chocolate bar here . Cacao bean extract was given to rats that were infected with streptococci bacteria. Those rats that drank the cocoa extract had a significantly reduced rate of growth of streptococci bacteria in the mouth and far fewer cavities.
Studies in England and Japan have proved that chocolate is effective at fighting cavities and dental plaque in the mouth. According to the research, chocolate is better at this than fluoride — and  a much safer alternative. Compounds in the cocoa bean husk have antibacterial agents that help fight plaque in your mouth. Chocolate is rich in antioxidants and has many other amazing health benefits.
Baking Soda
It is also known as sodium bicarbonate and is composed of a chemical compound that makes it a great mild abrasive. Brushing with baking soda helps dislodge plaque built up on the teeth. Many foods and beverages such as tea, coffee, soda and red wine all cause staining of the teeth. In addition, plaque accumulates and causes additional yellowish discoloration. Baking soda is effective for both concerns and has a bleach-like action resulting in effective whitening of teeth. Plaque contributes to dental decay and cavity formation and must be removed on a regular basis. Although reported to be safe, effective and inexpensive, baking soda use for brushing your teeth is not without risks. The abrasive properties of baking soda can cause excessive wear and damage to the enamel of your teeth. Therefore, baking soda should be used in moderation.
Sea Salt
A few of many trace elements and minerals found in sea salt are calcium, magnesium, silicon, phosphorus, sodium, nickel, and iron. These nutrients strengthen your gums, protect teeth against tarter and rid your bad breath. It may even whiten your teeth over time. Sea salt is high in iodine which has antibacterial properties and helps neutralize acids in the mouth. Salt makes you salivate, and your saliva creates an antibacterial barrier that protects your enamel. (If you are not comfortable with baking soda, you can replace baking soda with sea salt) 
Stevia Powder
Stevia is a small shrub like perennial plant which belongs to the sunflower (Asteraceae) family. It is also known as Eupatorium rebaudianum, sweetleaf, honeyleaf and sugarleaf, and sweet herb of Paraguay. The leaves of Stevia are a source of natural zero-calorie sweetener which is considered sweeter than sugar (sucrose).
A number of studies show that Stevia can be beneficial in the treatment of many health conditions. It contains antibacterial properties that help with gingivitis, cavities, tooth decay and mouth sores. It may suppress the development and reproduction of infectious organisms in the gums and teeth, inhibit the growth of plaque and may improve overall oral health.
Peppermint essential oil (Optional - Other type of essential oil can be used too)
Peppermint oil is very helpful as an aid for digestion. People often put a few drops of peppermint oil in a glass of water and drink it after their meal for its beneficial digestive properties. It is carminative and therefore helps in removing excess gas. Peppermint oil is also a good tonic for those who have a low appetite, and it helps treating motion sickness, nausea and upset stomachs. Other than all the great benefits, chocolate always goes well with mint. (Yum!) 

-1 tablespoons baking soda (If you want to remove coffee stain on your teeth, use 2 tablespoons  and omit sea salt )
-1 tablespoons salt
-4 tablespoons coconut oil
-6 drops peppermint essential oil
-2 teaspoons organic cacao powder

Simply mix together 1 tablespoon baking soda, 1 tablespoon sea salt, 4 tablespoons organic virgin coconut oil, 6 drops peppermint essential oil, and 2 teaspoons organic cacao powder in a small glass bowl. Then, move it over to food processor to whip it to the consistency required. Store in a sealable glass jar and enjoy!

Note : During winter, the coconut oil tends to solidify. Substitute 2 tablespoon of olive oil with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil)
Facts about Olive Oil: Dr Natasha brushes her teeth with olive oil.  Some people also claim that this can aid in maintaining pearly white teeth.  The most common motivation to use olive oil is it’s ability to help maintain healthy tooth enamel whilst pulling toxins from your mouth and gums.  An Oil pull will also aid further in pulling toxins and should be practiced regularly for good oral hygiene. 



1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this great blog.Very inspiring and helpful too.Hope you continue to share more of your ideas.I will definitely love to read. vegan toothpaste uk
